Selected Publications (1/2)
2012      e-Catalogue/Image Book (PDF) Night My Light, Kibbutz Gallery, Tel Aviv
2009      Catalogue continuing from where we left off..., Artist's House Tel Aviv & Goethe Institute Tel Aviv,
              with texts by Vilèm Flusser and Prof. Moshe Zuckermann, German/Hebrew
              Catalogue Parallel Worlds, Scala Mata Gallery, Venice

2008      Catalogue recto/verso, published by Jewish Museum Vienna with texts by Dr. Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek
              and Prof. Dr. Dieter Ronte
2007      Catalogue Das Schiff fuhr langsam durch die Nacht...publisher: Galerie Rachel Haferkamp, Cologne
              Kölner Skizzen with a text by Prof. Dr. Dieter Ronte, 29th edition, issue 2,

              publisher: Dietmar Schneider, Cologne
2006      Catalogue Andrea Morein-Rivka Rinn, Goethe Institute, Brussels
2005      Catalogue/Yearbook 2004, artothek, Cologne
              Catalogue Non-Localities with a text by Marc Scheps, Artists’ Residence, Herzlyia, Israel
              Artist’s contribution ARTIC No.11-Texte aus der fröhlichen Wissenschaft
2004      Documentation transmission with a text by Marc Scheps, Cologne