Selected Solo Shows and Solo Performances* (2/3)
2005      Non-Localities, Artists’ Residence, Herzlyia, Israel
              Zweizeitigkeit (Dual Time) (V), with Rivka Rinn, Goethe Institute, Brussels
              EinsteinVortex, Veithec Showroom, Passagen, Cologne
2004      transmission (V), artothek, Cologne
2002      Nothing is Sudden (V) Federal Artists’ Association BBK, Stapelhaus, Cologne
              EXorienteLUX, Moltkerei Werkstatt, KK30 Gallery & Hotel Chelsea, Cologne

2001      The Migrant’s Dilemma with Boedi S. Otong, Orangerie, Cologne
2000      Miquwe (V), Römisch-Germanisches Museum, Cologne
1999      Never Trust Biographies (V), Hochbunker, Cologne
1997      Sometimes I stand at the Window... (P), Performatrix Festival, Kampnagel, Hamburg;
              Muiderpoort Theater, Amsterdam

* (V) = project includes video; (P) = performance